Zigbee Matrise

  • table, th, td { border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; width: 300px; }
    Produser Futurehome
    Model 1V1
    Gateway firmware version
    Tested with
    ID lock 150 with firmware 1.5.6
    Zigbee module with firmware 0.7
    Secure inclusion (QR kode)
    Status locked/unlocked
    Status open/close
    Set/change/delete pin codes
    Add/change/delete user PIN
    Duplicate pin reported
    Manual or keybutton lock
    Manual or keybutton unlock
    Locked by Zigbee
    Unlocked by Zigbee
    Unlocked by RFID
    Unlocked by RFID, index reported
    Locked by keypad
    Unlocked by PIN
    Unlocked by Pin, index reported
    Alarms and warnings
    Identification (activate blue led on Zigbee module)
    Master pin unlock enabled/disabled*
    RFID enabled/disabled*
    Lock mode, manual/autolock*
    Lock mode, awaymode*
    Relock activated/deactivated*
    Door lock sound volume

  • table, th, td { border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; width: 300px; }
    Produser Heimgard Heimgard
    Model Multigateway Boreas
    Gateway firmware version 2019.12.3 10.10.2020
    Tested with

    ID lock 150 with firmware 1.5.7 1.5.7
    Zigbee module with firmware 0.7 0.7

    Secure inclusion (QR kode)

    Status locked/unlocked
    Status open/close

    Set/change/delete pin codes

    Add/change/delete user PIN
    Duplicate pin reported


    Manual or keybutton lock

    Manual or keybutton unlock

    Locked by Zigbee

    Unlocked by Zigbee

    Unlocked by RFID

    Unlocked by RFID, index reported

    Locked by keypad

    Unlocked by PIN

    Unlocked by Pin, index reported

    Alarms and warnings

    Identification (activate blue led on Zigbee module)

    Master pin unlock enabled/disabled*
    RFID enabled/disabled*
    Lock mode, manual/autolock*

    Lock mode, awaymode*

    Relock activated/deactivated*
    Door lock sound volume

  • table, th, td { border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; width: 300px; }
    Produser Samsung Smartthings
    Model General
    Gateway firmware version 000.032.00012
    Tested with
    ID lock 150 with firmware 1.5.6
    Zigbee module with firmware 0.7
    Secure inclusion (QR kode)
    Status locked/unlocked
    Status open/close
    Set/change/delete pin codes
    Add/change/delete user PIN
    Duplicate pin reported
    Manual or keybutton lock
    Manual or keybutton unlock
    Locked by Zigbee
    Unlocked by Zigbee
    Unlocked by RFID
    Unlocked by RFID, index reported
    Locked by keypad
    Unlocked by PIN
    Unlocked by Pin, index reported
    Alarms and warnings
    Identification (activate blue led on Zigbee module)
    Master pin unlock enabled/disabled*
    RFID enabled/disabled*
    Lock mode, manual/autolock*
    Lock mode, awaymode*
    Relock activated/deactivated*
    Door lock sound volume

  • table, th, td { border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; width: 300px; }
    Produser Datek
    Model Eva hub
    Gateway firmware version 3.4.7
    Tested with
    ID lock 150 with firmware 1.5.7
    Zigbee module with firmware 0.7
    Secure inclusion (QR kode)
    Status locked/unlocked
    Status open/close
    Set/change/delete pin codes
    Add/change/delete user PIN
    Duplicate pin reported
    Manual or keybutton lock
    Manual or keybutton unlock
    Locked by Zigbee
    Unlocked by Zigbee
    Unlocked by RFID
    Unlocked by RFID, index reported
    Locked by keypad
    Unlocked by PIN
    Unlocked by Pin, index reported
    Alarms and warnings
    Identification (activate blue led on Zigbee module)
    Master pin unlock enabled/disabled*
    RFID enabled/disabled*
    Lock mode, manual/autolock*
    Lock mode, awaymode*
    Relock activated/deactivated*
    Door lock sound volume

  • Se hele tabellen

    table, th, td { border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; width: 300px; }
    Produser Datek Futurehome Samsung Smartthings Heimgard Heimgard
    Model Eva hub 1V1 General Multigateway Boreas
    Gateway firmware version 3.4.7
    000.032.00012 2019.12.3 10.10.2020
    Tested with

    ID lock 150 with firmware 1.5.7 1.5.6 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.7
    Zigbee module with firmware 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

    Secure inclusion (QR kode)

    Status locked/unlocked
    Status open/close

    Set/change/delete pin codes

    Add/change/delete user PIN

    Duplicate pin reported


    Manual or keybutton lock

    Manual or keybutton unlock

    Locked by Zigbee

    Unlocked by Zigbee

    Unlocked by RFID

    Unlocked by RFID, index reported

    Locked by keypad

    Unlocked by PIN

    Unlocked by Pin, index reported

    Alarms and warnings

    Identification (activate blue led on Zigbee module)


    Master pin unlock enabled/disabled*

    RFID enabled/disabled*

    Lock mode, manual/autolock*

    Lock mode, awaymode*

    Relock activated/deactivated*

    Door lock sound volume